You do not get to make up your own rules. Put on your big boy pants and face reality.
A mask hides the face, but frees the soul. A mask speaks the truth.
You should never let your picture be in a magazine or newspaper, if you can help it, as you never know what ends your face may be made to serve by others, once it has got out of your control.
You look upon the face of true evil, you ain’t liable to forget.
You asked me what face it is I want the world to see. This face has everything that I ever did wrong written all over it. And when I look in the mirror, I want to see the best version of myself again.[to Krista]
Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.
Molly. Right now, your face is the only thing anyone sees. This operation will change that. It’ll let the world see not your new face, but what has always been behind it.
Man of a thousand faces, every one the same.[about Leclerc]
Just think about it, deeply. Then forget it. An idea will jump up in your face.
He can’t hide forever. Everyone knows his face.
Facing death, it changes a person.
Your face, that is where all of your pride as a ninja comes from.[to Aska]