Not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone.
The most beautiful quality of a true friendship is to understand them. Be understood with absolute clarity.
It’s a weird thing with friendship. Starts because you need each other, and then if you do it right and help each other grow, you need each other less. I guess change is the whole point.
Friendship is complicated. You find yourself doing things you never thought you’d do.
To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart.
Sometimes, if you’re not very careful, friendship can blind you to what is staring you right in the face.
Sometimes a friendship can’t take the truth. So you find yourself trying to be someone you’re not.
Respect is earned, as is friendliness.
Reaching out in friendship is never wrong.
It’s the friendships we break more so than the friendships we make that delineate the intelligent leader.
It is never wrong to care about your friends. It’s never wrong to be a human being and love someone as well as you can.
I need a friend more than I need space.