Warriors don’t show their heart until the axe reveals it.
Tears we can’t control, sobs and weeps are little surrenders, and I will surrender nothing to the pain. Tears may flow, but I will not weep. I am the wife of a warrior now. Which is to say, I am a warrior. And warriors don’t cry.
The strongest of all warriors are these two – time and patience.
Wessex allows its warriors to kill each other and spends too much time on its knees.
Every failed empire has a legion of elite warriors.
Whether the body is still alive or not doesn’t matter. What’s important for a warrior is where their soul is.
Today is a day for warriors… a day to kill your enemies. A day we make the pagans wish they had never heard of Wessex. Today, we fight for Wessex!
A village can be rebuilt. A warrior can die only once.
We are warriors, Captain, we take the road untraveled. Not because it is easy, but because someone must.
The world is filled with warriors. But there are far too few great engineers.[to Sokka]
One of the things us warriors seldom talk about is how often people s*** themselves when they die. It’s a touch of gray in the white cloud of kicking ass.
If you call yourself a warrior, then try feeling good when you die.[to Torgrim]