Why must everyone always assume that all women want is to be chosen by any eligible bachelor?[to Mary]
We’re not even married yet, and you’re already trying to shoot me?
Three failed marriages taught me I’m not much of a husband. But what I am is a family man.
This man, he has a fleet of ships, carriages full of gold.[Lord Bayford]That’s no reason to marry.[Elodie]
The most incomprehensible thing in the world to a man is a woman who rejects his offer of marriage.
Once it was, “See somebody, get excited, get married.” Now it’s, “Read a lot of books, fence with a lot of four-syllable words, psychoanalyze each other until you can’t tell the difference between a petting party and a civil service exam.”
Most men have to get married before they lose their wives.
Marriage is a triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Marriage can’t work when one person is happy and the other person is miserable. Marriage is both people being equally miserable.
I may not be the most pleasant person to be around, but I got the best woman who was ever on this planet to marry me.[to Thao]
I don’t want to be someone that you’re settling for. I don’t want to be someone that anyone settles for. Marriage is hard enough without bringing such low expectations into it, isn’t it?
Anything is to be preferred or endured rather than marrying without affection!