Use your crisis as your fire. You’d be amazed at what you’re capable of.[to Liza]
Sometimes the most you can do is all you can do.[to Sonny]
Remember, there is nothing he can do that you can’t.[to Brightbill, about Thunderbolt]
Potential is what people see when they think what’s in front of them isn’t good enough.
Most people never have to face the fact that, at the right time and the right place, they’re capable of anything.
It’s up to you. You eat what you kill. It’s a long-odds lottery ticket buried under a thousand f***ing rejections, and you gotta have the grit and the balls to reach down and scratch it.[to Liza]
I’m not the Waymond who wants to divorce you. I’m the Waymond who is saving your life. Now, you can either come with me and live up to your ultimate potential or lie here and live with the consequences.[to Evelyn, as Alpha Waymond]
A handicap is what you make of it.