To make sure your dog obeys you, you have to show it the stick once in a while.
The good news is that whilst all dogs go to Heaven, you’d be surprised how many pigs are waiting for you in Hell.
If you beat a dog long enough, it goes crazy. Doesn’t matter how good it was before. After that happens, the dog that you knew is never coming back.
One dog moves out, another moves in. It’s the cycle of life.
I know he’s your vassal, but a dog should be handled by his own master.[to Canute, about Askeladd]
A dog who bites every owner he’s had can only be disciplined with a firm hand. Or put down.
The man can write about dogs and teach you everything you need to know.
How about I give you the first shot? After all, every dog has his day.
A dog has just apprehended the Gestapo sausage. Arrest him!
You can teach an old dog a new trick, but it’s still an old dog.
When you own dogs, you feed them all, but you save the freshest meat for those that don’t hesitate.
We discipline the dog, not the man.[Edward Horniman: What’s that supposed to mean?]There’s a dog in a man that the man can’t control. So we had to control it for him.