Sometimes severity is the price we pay for greatness.
There are four paths through the world. The way of the farmer, the artisan, the merchant, and the warrior. Each of these can lead to greatness.
Most people would sell their soul for greatness. I know I did. But it takes a pretty miserable piece of human garbage to sell it just to get up close to greatness.
Any man can be a success, but it takes a madman to be great.
You have greatness in you. Take your hurt, your loss, take your pain, make it into something useful.[to Maya]
You can be great or you can be around forever.
When you are big enough, when you touch all their money… When you control the flowing blood of this country… They will never arrest you.
The greater the man, the brighter he looks.
Noble victories are always preceded by noble sacrifices.
It’s never easy being the bigger person.[to Samantha]
It takes a big man to admit his mistake, and I am that big man.
It is remarkable how large small irritations can loom in the minds of great men.