A kid can either repeat the mistakes of his old man, or he corrects them.
You made a mistake when you left me. That means everything come after that is a mistake, too.[to Dot]
You can’t let the mistakes of the past determine your future.
You are not responsible for another man’s misdeeds. And you are not the only one who’s made mistakes.[to Jake]
We all make mistakes. The important thing to remember is they don’t define who we are.
We all get s*** wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot. But if you own up to your mistakes, you always have a shot at making things right.[to Miguel]
There’s nothing to be done about past mistakes. We need to fix what’s in front of us.
Sometimes your mistakes can surprise you.
Sometimes mistakes can be a good thing. They can lead us to what we don’t expect.
Our mistakes are what makes us interesting.
Mistakes are just opportunities to learn how to do the right thing.
It is a mistake to make one’s mind up about a thing before one’s tried it.