Kids, breakfast and school. If we don’t at least pretend they matter, everything falls apart.
If Morty ever gives up on a single dream, it had better be because of his own disillusionment.[to Rick]
Don’t make my mistake, Summer. Don’t deify the people that leave you. You’ll end up a horse surgeon in a world controlled by aliens whose medicine keeps horses healthy forever. Horses live longer than tortoises now. Is that what you want for yourself?
You can’t make people like you. You just have to wait for hating you to bore them.[to Jerry]
Since when does this house care about alien lives. We don’t even watch British television.
Dad, how could you make my son miss an entire semester of school? I mean, it’s not like he’s a hot girl. He can’t just bail on his life and set up shop in someone else’s.[to Rick]
Your special time is your power. It makes you strong like a boob.[to Summer]
You should select a different timeline. I mean, if your father and I achieved our dreams, there’s a chance you weren’t even born.[to Summer]
Yeah, but you’re real.[Jerry Smith: I’m a parasite!]
Okay, let’s go see this latest piece of Marvel s*** you kids are jizzing over.[to Morty]
Don’t insult my father. He’s the reason our kids are only half-stupid.[to Jerry]