He’s my brother. And not by something as accidental as blood… by something much stronger. By choice.
Toughest a**hole I ever met, my brother. Feed him a hammer, he’d crap out nails.
I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will not.[to Corlys]
As long as my brother is still alive, he is not defeated.
Your brother seems functional. That must be useful.[to Susie]
My brother has a weakness for beauty. He forgives it anything.
It is in our nature to seek our brother’s possessions. And be willing to destroy to obtain them.
I think it’s very clear that me trying to fix the restaurant was me trying to fix whatever was happening with my brother.
I never loved my brothers. Sad thing for a king to admit, but true. You were the brother I chose.
When I look at you, I don’t see a design, I see my brother.
The wisest course of action is to leave while we can.[Rampart]Clones don’t leave our brothers behind.[Echo]
Now that you admitted we are brothers, I can die knowing that I will live on through you.